Keep Employees Engaged In EHS Training with These Resources

In my previous post, Help EHSCSI: How Do I Keep Employees Engaged in EHS?  I talked about having fun with an environmental, health and safety program–specifically including engaging elements into training.  Following I have included a few resources that can help liven up trainings and keep employees engaged while also sending the right message.

1.  Free safety videos at  Videos provide a great interlude to a verbose training session. I have included one of the films below that speaks to Hearing Conservation.


2.  Great cartoons available at  Incorporating some cartoons into a lengthy training can also be advantageous for engagement.


3.  Using true examples of unsafe behaviors or incorrect practices  is helpful to engage employees in discussion.  There are always interesting behaviors occurring throughout facilities that make for great training.   In this picture some contractors were using aluminum ladders while working on a live circuit box in addition to not wearing any arc flash personal protective equipment.  During an electrical safety training I ask employees some thought-provoking questions:  1) What should be replaced in this situation?  2) What practices are incorrect or life threatening?  3) What are the consequences of the behaviors seen in this picture?  4) How can these behaviors be improved?

I hope you find these resources beneficial in maintaining employee engagement.  Do you have other resources to share?   If so, leave a comment here.